This provides a more accurate method of . The test is adaptive the ATB test determines which questions will be given next based upon previous answers. The test is computer-adaptive, which means that the questions change based on your skill level. All of the questions on the ACCUPLACER Test are multiple choice, except for the WritePlacer essay question.
ACCUPLACER Practice Test | Free Practice Questions.

The ACCUPLACER Placement is an untimed, computerized assessment that has three multiple choice sections (writing, reading, and math). and proctoring of such tests as ACCUPLACER, TEAS, HESI, Technical Skill Assessments, Private Testing, Standardized tests, and other web-based tests. passage followed by a question based on the text. In an ACCUPLACER® placement test, there are 20. College Board, ACCUPLACER, WritePlacer and the. The main test of ACCUPLACER has 10 sub-tests. This test tries to determine exactly where your skill level is by changing the difficulty of each question based on your answers. The next-generation Accuplacer is a type of computer-adaptive test and the test takers’ answer to each question determines the level of difficulty of the next question. Your … What Kind of Math Is on the Accuplacer Next-Generation Test?. Accuplacer questions are based onACCUPLACER Practice Test | Free Practice Questions.